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  • Christian



  • Male
  • United States
  • 1984 years old

Lists Voted By Christian (44 Lists)

Top Books on Totalitarianism

Top Books On Totalitarianism

Books about totalitarianism.

What Are the Best Libertarian Books in Fiction?

What Are The Best Libertarian Books In Fiction?

This list was started by Christina Kotarski and filled in by the membe...

What Should Be the Dominant Sources of Energy in the Future?

What Should Be The Dominant Sources Of Energy In The...

Vote up for the ones you like and vote down for the ones you don't like.

The Most Annoying Political Pundits That Need to Shut Up

The Most Annoying Political Pundits That Need To Shu...

It seems that every day we hear about some insane rant that's devoid o...

The Cities that Libertarians Want to Live In

The Cities That Libertarians Want To Live In

Choose the cities you want to live in. It can be because of lower taxe...

Podcast Hosts Libertarians Enjoy Listening To

Podcast Hosts Libertarians Enjoy Listening To

There are some great hosts talking about many topics out there, so for...

The Most Divisive Issues Among Libertarians

The Most Divisive Issues Among Libertarians

There are only a handful of top issues that libertarians usually fight...

The Departments Minarchists Want to Keep

The Departments Minarchists Want To Keep

If you're a minarchist like Milton Friedman who believed the Treasury ...

What Libertarians Think About Anarchy

What Libertarians Think About Anarchy

Some people believe it's an impossible dream, some people believe it w...

Great Anarchist Movies

Great Anarchist Movies

What are good anarchist movies that make you ask questions about autho...

Libertarian Party Platforms You Disagree With

Libertarian Party Platforms You Disagree With

What platforms of the Libertarian Party do you not completely agree wi...

Journalist, Youtuber, or News Reporter That You Still Trust

Journalist, Youtuber, Or News Reporter That You Stil...

They are hard to come by these days. Who do you go to for information ...

The Most Libertarian Countries

The Most Libertarian Countries

Based on your own rating for economic and social freedom, what are the...

The Most Disliked U.S. Politician

The Most Disliked U.s. Politician

For this list, we're including both past and present politicians, but ...

Worst Qualities for a Libertarian

Worst Qualities For A Libertarian

Instead of asking what the most conducive qualities to spreading liber...

The Best Caucuses in the Libertarian Party

The Best Caucuses In The Libertarian Party

Regardless if you're a member or not, what caucuses do you like the most?